2015 top dentists
  • For a Free consultation on all your dental concerns, Call Now: 480.948.3680

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  • covid update10630 North Scottsdale Road Scottsdale, Arizona 85254
  • Invisalign: Straighten Your Teeth without Braces

    Braces. Remember the kids with the mouthful of metal? Admit it. You were glad it wasn’t you. You wondered how they ate; how they brushed their teeth? Those days seem far away from today’s Invisalign®, the miracle technology that straightens teeth without the unsightly torturous scaffolding. How Invisalign Works Depending on the complexity of your case, you could complete treatment in as little as six months and start seeing results in a matter of weeks. But don't think it's simply a matte....


    Category: Cosmetic & Family Dentistry


  • Cosmetic Dentists: Get That Perfect Smile

    Cosmetic dentistry is any dental work that improves the appearance of teeth, gums, and bites. Its focus is to correct or improve the dental aesthetics of tooth color, position, shape, size, alignment, and in doing so, the overall appearance of your smile. Certain dental specialists, such as surgeons, fix anatomical defects that also improve the smile. In that sense, they can be considered cosmetic specialists. Others, including family dentists, can do veneers to enhance the appearance of your sm....


    Category: Cosmetic & Family Dentistry


  • Dental Implants: Are They Right for You?

    Today’s dentistry has come a long way. Porcelain dental implants make the dread and embarrassment of missing teeth a thing of the past. Turn on the tv. You're bound to see dental implant commercials praising the procedure as the champion of the big, beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. This is true. However, if you're considering dental implants, know that you are also committing to a lengthy, costly process. Is it worth it? Thousands of dental implant customers say yes. A good implan....


    Category: Cosmetic & Family Dentistry


  • The Top Family Dentist in Phoenix and Scottsdale

    You’re looking for a top family dentist. Drive around. You'll see a lot of dental professionals and groups advertising themselves as “family dentistry.” In most people's minds, it’s the equivalent of your primary medical doctor, the pro you go to for your basic dental needs. And it is like that, sort of, with one significant difference. Primary doctors all perform the same services; all family dentists do not. Some combine general dentistry practice with a variety of specialized options.....


    Category: Cosmetic & Family Dentistry


  • The Benefits of Laser Gum Recontouring

    When we meet someone new, whether it's for a job interview, a blind date, or just a fun social gathering, one of the first things people notice about us is our smile. Having confidence in a smile you truly like can make these social occasions more fun and less stressful. Sometimes, the appearance of the gums can detract from the look of a smile. When this occurs, learning more about the benefits of laser gum recontouring makes good sense. If your gums are excessively prominent or are irregular i....


    Category: Periodontal Treatments


  • The Benefits of Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy

    Periodontal (gum) disease can develop slowly over time, and you may not even notice it until it really begins to cause you pain and troublesome dental issues. However, even if you only miss flossing or brushing your teeth once in a while, it can still creep up on you from the gradual accumulation of tartar, bacteria and plaque. There's no need to worry, though, because nowadays, if you have gum disease, you can benefit from non-surgical periodontal therapy. This set of less invasive methods of t....


    Category: Periodontal Treatments


  • Best Practices for Healthy Teeth

    All too often, we take our health for granted and fall behind in getting the preventive care we need to stay healthy. Modern life is busy and demanding, and when we're feeling fine, it seems like just one more thing to do. However, neglecting your teeth is a mistake that can lead to many hours spent in a dentist's chair and invading your bank account for the funds needed to pay for expensive treatments. But that's not all!  Failing to treat decaying teeth or infected gums can also lead to probl....


    Category: General Dentistry


  • What Is Dental Laser Cavity Detection?

    Exciting new technology of many kinds has made the art and science of dentistry more effective than ever. Dental laser cavity detection is one great example of this. Now, with a wand that is about the size of a pen, the dentist can find out whether or not you have tooth decay quickly and accurately. Using the principle of reflection of light, this laser-powered wand can diagnose decay and cavities that are in need of treatment early on, so that they don't get the chance to get bigger and cause m....


    Category: General Dentistry


  • What Are Smile Makeovers?

    Although smile makeovers are often thought of as a set of cosmetic procedures that are designed simply to make a smile look better, they are actually more than that. Since the health of the mouth and its appearance are often related, a smile makeover also addresses the issues of tooth and gum health as well as the health of the jaw itself. Before a smile makeover is done, a thorough assessment of the health of the teeth, gums and jaw bone are done in order to plan comprehensive treatment that is....


    Category: General Dentistry


  • What a Dental Cleaning Can Do For You

    When you get that email or phone call reminding you that it's time for your next dental cleaning, you may say to yourself, "Awww, that again!  I'm busy and I don't have time! Other things are more important!" But even though this may seem to be the case, there are truly many reasons why you should think differently. While you may not consider a dental cleaning to be a top priority matter, you should take the time to learn more about all the things it can do for you. Your mouth is a doorway betw....


    Category: General Dentistry


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    Douglas Family Dentistry

    Douglas Family Dentistry is there for all of your general and cosmetic dentistry needs such as teeth whitening, veneers, crowns, fillings, bridges, and implants.., and map