Many times periodontal disease will show up in people in their 30s and 40s. Diseased teeth and gums can be quite common, especially when teeth and gums are neglected over a period of time.
Brushing and flossing are two of the best preventative measures to help get rid of plaque, which causes tooth and gum disease. But as the plaque solidifies, it forms tartar and a more effective method may be required to keep teeth and gums healthy.
This is when laser gum therapy can be used for optimum cleaning to aggressively attack gingivitis and periodontitis. It is also a preferred method of deep cleaning instead of scaling or root planning, causing less bleeding, swelling and discomfort during and immediately following the procedure.
Different lasers have different wavelengths and power levels that can adjust to a patient’s specific needs. Lasers can be used to remove decayed portions of teeth, prepping them for fillings or crowns. Lasers will remove theinfection from gumsand they are also used after a tooth has been filled to harden a filling.
In addition, lasers can be used to take a biopsy or remove lesions in a patient’s mouth. The piece of tissue that is removed can then be examined for cancer.
Because they cause less pain in many cases, lasers also reduce the need for anesthesia. They can reduce a patient’s anxiety who might have an aversion to the use of a dental drill. Because they cause less swelling, recovery time when lasers are used isshorter as well.
We serve families in Scottsdale, Tempe, Mesa, Phoenix, Paradise Valley, Glendale and surrounding Arizona communities.