Are You in Need of a Competent Scottsdale Dentist Ready to Assist with Your Dental Emergency?
Life happens to the best of us, and unfortunately, that includes our teeth. Whether you were eating food and then broke a tooth, or your child threw a “fastball” that knocked out a few teeth, it’s time to see Scottsdale’s Douglas Family Dentistry for that dental emergency.
The dental professionals at Douglas Family Dentistry are the most competent team of individuals and one of their specialties is the “unexpected dental patient”.
Your Dental Emergency
There’s not much worse in life than unexpectedly chipping a tooth on a coffee mug at work, or that dental cap popping off while eating a delicious piece of candy. These are dental emergencies. They happen, and they can happen at the most inopportune time. So, what do you do? Where do you go? The American Dental Association’s Mouth Healthy website suggests keeping your mouth moist after a dental emergency. They also state that for the dental emergency that involves a knocked-out tooth, “…try placing the tooth back in the socket without touching the root.”
Other dental emergencies may include a chipped tooth, mistakenly biting the inside of your mouth to the point of bleeding, biting your tongue and the paralyzing toothache. At Scottsdale’s Douglas Family Dentistry, not only can your dental emergency be treated, but you’ll receive ongoing care, ensuring your teeth and oral health remain at optimum levels.
Scottsdale’s Dedicated Dental Emergency Team
Scottsdale’s Douglas Family Dentistry has built a reputation for excellence, reliability, and dependability, one patient at a time. Sometimes a dental visit is planned, and sometimes it’s unplanned. So, trust the dental experts at Douglas Family Dentistry to treat you just like family, even if your visit to them is unplanned.
Founded by Dr. Paul Douglas over twenty years ago, Douglas Family Dentistry uses the latest and most innovative dental practices and procedures to ensure quality dental care for all patients. So, for that crown that popped out, or that tooth that was broken, you can count on Drs. Douglas and Gawrys to replace them with quality dental enhancements. Douglas Family Dentistry truly hopes to see you as a regular patient after your dental emergency as well! Sedation dentistry, cosmetic, and even family dentistry are all offered at Douglas Family Dentistry.
So, for the unexpected mishap with your tooth, call Douglas Family Dentistry right away and turn that dental emergency into a healthy smile!