Do you have a special event coming up and noticed that you could use a brighter smile? Your smile says a lot about you, and if you’re going to be showing it off to friends and family all night, then you want it to look it’s best. If you’ve got big plans coming up and realized that you’ve left teeth whitening to the last minute, then have no fear – there’s still time to take advantage ofZoom whitening in Scottsdale.
Zoom whitening has become incredibly popular in the last several years thanks to how safe and easy it is to get a dazzling, bright smile in about an hour. This type of whitening is done right here in your dentist’s office and is an affordable whitening option. Many patients choose Zoom over other types of whitening solutions because it won’t harm your gums or your teeth, and it’s perfectly safe for those who sensitive teeth. In fact, there are several different strengths available so that you get exactly the treatment that is right for you.
Before you come in for your Zoom whitening treatment, you can make your dentist’s job a bit easier by brushing and flossing your teeth thoroughly. The ultraviolet light that is used during the process will be blocked by any leftover food or debris that may be left in your teeth, so it’s important o make sure you start out with the cleanest teeth possible. For those who plan ahead, scheduling your whitening to be done right after your routine cleaning is a smart way to go.
Many patients to choose to get the most out of their Zoom treatments by periodically using take home trays to maintain the whitening effects. This is a great way to get the most out of each whitening visit and will ensure that you won’t have to worry about your smile before your next big event or special occasion.